Monday 25 July 2016

Tears rolled down her face as she read her husband's death confirmation letter.
He succeeded protecting everybody else's home at the boundary but hers, she thought.

Thursday 21 July 2016

The look in your eyes, when I bid you goodbye, made me believe you loved me.  Made me believe I wanted you to stay, to kiss you and more.
But I forgot, that was, indeed, a goodbye.

Saying goodbye to a packet of cigarettes was harder than she thought.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

We were in his room, sitting on his couch with a map, and drinking mint water. Yes, not coffee or wine, but mint water. I don't even know why.But it didn't matter because we were so lost in the future that we forgot we had a home. He, good at geography; me, good at history. And we feel, these two are bridged. Good to find similarities, isn't it? So I had encircled all the places I ever wanted to go, and I kept screaming and dancing like a little girl, pointing towards each of them and saying,"This is where I want to go and scream like I am a queen who's throwing orders at her army". He, he kept staring. He, he kept smiling. He, he came forward. He, he held my hand. He, he made me spin around. He, he kept his hand on my left breast and said,"This, this is where I want to go".

Saturday 9 July 2016

The Worst Conundrum

In may, my lover did reave, a heart so strong
with words so wrong.
In June, he did heave and leave;
And I retrieve and retrieve.
All I did was miss your tepidity,
And serenity.
Words flowing from my hands hurt,
I asked you pult.
Purging your chantey,
With your melodic hey.
And the readers still confused with my painsworth autobiography,
For paintry poetry.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

So, I came across the panty challenge that is currently trending on Instagram and Twitter; I don't even know why.
And all the pictures are of clean unstained panties. When in reality, it's not even remotely close to that. A woman's vagina has the ability to clean itself, which means, there's no need to apply soap or other creams to it. A woman's vagina produces white discharge every single day, which, for your information is a wet, transparent thick substance, which is an indication of a good and healthy vagina.
Now, the ladies who've uploaded pictures of clean (new) panties, need to go to a doctor and go through some tests. If there's no white discharge, your vagina is unhealthy and maybe infected.
And the worst problem is, the expectations of guys from girls have reached heaven. Because of pornography, models, movies, et cetera, they're under an impression, or expect that girls have a nice, pink, clean, vagina without even a single strand of hair. They expect girls to have the "perfect" size of breasts, a flat stomach, with a thigh gap, with a perfect skin tone.
All they need to do is get a reality check, because this is no xxx movie.
We have a healthy body instead of an unhealthy and a "sexy" one.
And girls, please, don't sell your beautiful body for a boy, who's looking for a fantasized body.